How to derive truth? Can truth be found by the scientific method? Hypothesis, testing, and results all cycle around until finally something is known to be true under all testable conditions. In the case of non-testable conditions what can be said? Gödel showed that no system of proofs using the natural numbers could have completeness. So, the truth cannot be known in entirety. Or rather the truth cannot be proven in entirety. Some things cannot be proven. Therefore, faith comes into play. But what to believe in blindly?? Kierkegaard said that "dread" was a good indicator of having found something worth believing. Nevertheless, falling back on dread removes the blindness in some ways. Not that blindness is a proven positive condition. Causality exists only backwards says the quantum physicist. The past is frozen; the future is uncertain. Determinism is dead. Unless you live at the end of time. When the last black hole has melted. Only then can all things be predicted, once the last wave function has collapsed.