Perfect. - 9/16/2000

    Dear Neil,I usually don't pay any attention to the theme of the week on Open Diary, but this week's theme interested me. If I could look out the window one morning and see the perfect view, what would it be?

    You know where I'm going with this Neil. If I could look out the window and see a perfect view, it would be suface of the moon, the vast plains of the Sea of Tranquility.

    The moon is the best place to live in the solar system. Everyone who has ever gone to the moon has become an American Hero for doing so. I wish I were a hero. No crimes have been committed on the moon. No scams or fast ones have been pulled on suckers on the moon. No one has ever been excluded from the group on the moon. No one has ever been rejected by one they love on the moon. No one has ever cried on the moon.

    Sure the moon is sterile and cold, but that's really just another selling point. There are no germs on the moon. No one has been ill on the moon. Sure, you have to live inside your space suit and there is no human touch, but frankly I'm not getting much of that here on earth either. To be free of the foolish belief that the situation will change soon would be glorious.

    All in all, the moon is the best place to live. It is the one place where men can finally be free from flaw and imperfection. It is a world of science and necessity. A world closer to God up in the heavens. A world free from distraction from what is important. All alone in the Sea of Tranquility, away from strife and struggle and doubt. That's where I wish I lived.