Belief. - 8/22/2000

    Dear Neil,
    I don't believe in modern technology. I mean, I know it exists, I just don't believe in it, in my heart. When I ride on an airplane I look out the window at the wing, as it bobs up and down, and I think to myself, "There is no way a wing that looks so weak could possibly handle the strain of supporting an entire airplane. They must be faking it somehow." At night, I look up at the stars, but I don't think about how I must be a speck in comparison to them. I think, "Man, those are obviously just pinpricks in a dome a few miles up in the air." Magic is a far more palatable explanation for the action of computers than semiconductor switches and tiny shifts in voltage. Yet, in spite of my doubts I still know the truth, no matter how implausible it can seem.