Connect.SpellClub History
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If, like most of the Society, you use a Mac and do most of your typing in programs that support the systemwide spell checking utility (ie. anything but Word), here’s what to do. Open your Home folder, then Library → Spelling. Take the “en” file and drop it onto TextEdit, or your favorite text editor. (The file may be broken up by a nonsense character that you have to use the find and replace utility to replace with line breaks.) The contents of this file are all the words you added to your spell checker. Copy and paste it into a blog entry, then put an include for it here.
If, like most of the Society, you use a Mac and do most of your typing in programs that support the systemwide spell checking utility (ie. anything but Word), here’s what to do. Open your Home folder, then Library → Spelling. Take the “en” file and drop it onto TextEdit, or your favorite text editor. (The file may be broken up by a nonsense character that you have to use the find and replace utility to replace with line breaks.) The contents of this file are all the words you added to your spell checker. Sort the list then copy and paste it here.
(:include HelloWorldProject/ENTRY25:)
(:title The team's spelling list:)
BoxCarl’s spelling list:
- agora
- Anathematic
- Dionysian
- disconfirming
- enjambed
- eyepatch
- fetishized
- flyswatter
- folktale
- gravitas
- hashbrowns
- layabouts
- moshing
- mythos
- opposingly
- peacenik
- phytoplankton
- stereotaxic
- unaddressed
- unwinnable
- upwelling
- y’all
Existential Calvinist’s spelling list:
- æsthetic
- alienness
- Analects
- aporetic
- ataraxia
- auteur
- autodidactic
- axiology
- Bashô
- beginningless
- Blyth
- Blyth’s
- Bodhidharma
- Bodhisattva
- breakages
- cognize
- cognized
- cognizing
- commonsensically
- contemplatives
- Dialetheism
- Dionysus
- discursion
- Dostoevsky
- dubitable
- Einsteinian
- Eleatics
- epistemic
- epistemically
- explicandum
- explicans
- finitude
- Fukuyama
- haikai
- Heian
- Heidegger
- Heraclitus
- hiraku
- Hobbesian
- hokku
- Hume
- Hume’s
- ideality
- immiserate
- immiserated
- incognizable
- inconsolate
- indubitability
- Irresolvability
- Jainists
- justificatory
- kakekotoba
- Kant
- Kant’s
- Kierkegaard
- kigo
- kireji
- Leibniz
- Locke
- Mādhyamaka
- Masaoka
- Meiji
- Mencius
- metamathematics
- Michelangelo
- Murti
- nihility
- Nishitani
- Nishitani’s
- nominalize
- noumena
- noumenal
- noumenon
- outstare
- outstared
- Panopticon
- paraconsistent
- Parmenides
- Peripatetics
- Picasso
- Platonist
- Platonists
- posteriori
- predispositions
- propaedeutic
- psychologizing
- qualia
- Raphael’s
- Rawls
- renga
- Rescher
- Schopenhauer
- self-justificatory
- Shinkokinshû
- Shintô
- significating
- sorites
- soteriological
- soteriology
- Spinoza
- substantialist
- substantialists
- syllogize
- tanka
- tautologous
- teleportation
- teleported
- teleporter
- teleporting
- undergirds
- undichotomized
- undisclosable
- unsayable
- unschematized
- unsuppressible
- waka
- Zeno
Earthbound kid’s spelling list:
- abiogenesis
- co-owner
- desperations
- elites
- Filipina
- Furman
- googly
- haniwa
- karaoké
- Nietzsche
- nihilo
- Nintendo
- Pontius
- quesadillas
- retreading
- Sacagawea
- Tetris
- Yum
Curl’s spelling list:
- ain’t
- archrival
- bollocks
- celadon
- Duchamp
- Fukuoka
- geomancy
- Hypoxia
- koans
- Manichean
- Okinawa
- personhood
- priceyness
- romanized
- samsara
- Takaoka
- theodicies
- theodicy
- theremin
- Toyama
- unresolvable
- Warhol
If, like me, you use a Mac and do most of your typing in programs that support the systemwide spell checking utility (ie. anything but Word), here’s what to do. Open your Home folder, then Library → Spelling. Take the “en” file and drop it onto TextEdit, or your favorite text editor. (The file may be broken up by a nonsense character that you have to use the find and replace utility to replace with line breaks.) The contents of this file are all the words you added to your spell checker. Copy and paste it into a blog entry, then put an include for it here.
If, like most of the Society, you use a Mac and do most of your typing in programs that support the systemwide spell checking utility (ie. anything but Word), here’s what to do. Open your Home folder, then Library → Spelling. Take the “en” file and drop it onto TextEdit, or your favorite text editor. (The file may be broken up by a nonsense character that you have to use the find and replace utility to replace with line breaks.) The contents of this file are all the words you added to your spell checker. Copy and paste it into a blog entry, then put an include for it here.
(:title Spell Club:)
(:include HelloWorldProject/ENTRY25:)
(:include HelloWorldProject/ENTRY25:) (:title Spell Club:)
(:title Spell Club:) New group project! Dump the list of additions you’ve made to your computer’s spell checker. It’s embarrassingly revealing and fun!
If, like me, you use a Mac and do most of your typing in programs that support the systemwide spell checking utility (ie. anything but Word), here’s what to do. Open your Home folder, then Library → Spelling. Take the “en” file and drop it onto TextEdit, or your favorite text editor. (The file may be broken up by a nonsense character that you have to use the find and replace utility to replace with line breaks.) The contents of this file are all the words you added to your spell checker. Copy and paste it into a blog entry, then put an include for it here.
(:include HelloWorldProject/ENTRY25:)