
by Curl on 2008年03月09日 09:41 AM

@ Home / Glossary / Demachiyanagi (edit, history)

Glossary.Demachiyanagi History

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2004年10月13日 08:33 AM by Curl -
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Demachiyanagi [Jap. 出町柳]: literally, departing-town-willows; the northernmost {{Keihan}} train station, located at the confluence of the Katsura and Kamo Rivers.


Demachiyanagi [Jap. 出町柳]: literally, departing-town-willows; the northernmost {{Keihan}} train station, located at the confluence of the Katsura and Kamo Rivers in Kyôto.

2004年10月13日 08:33 AM by Curl -
Changed line 1 from:

Describe {{Demachiyanagi}} here.


Demachiyanagi [Jap. 出町柳]: literally, departing-town-willows; the northernmost {{Keihan}} train station, located at the confluence of the Katsura and Kamo Rivers.