
by Curl on 2008年03月09日 09:41 AM

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Glossary.Gambaru History

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2004年10月07日 05:44 PM by Curl -
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Gambaru [Jap. 頑張る] also ganbaru, gambatte, gambare, ganabarism, etc.: Giving one’s all. The imperative means metaphorically, “good luck!” Also has the connotation of wasteful expenditure of energy for merely the appearance of useful work. (See also: genki)


Gambaru [Jap. 頑張る] also ganbaru, gambatte, gambare, ganabarism, etc.: Giving one’s all. The imperative means metaphorically, “good luck!” Also has the connotation of wasteful expenditure of energy for merely the appearance of useful work. (See also: {{genki}})

2004年10月07日 05:43 PM by Curl -
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Describe {{Gambaru}} here.


Gambaru [Jap. 頑張る] also ganbaru, gambatte, gambare, ganabarism, etc.: Giving one’s all. The imperative means metaphorically, “good luck!” Also has the connotation of wasteful expenditure of energy for merely the appearance of useful work. (See also: genki)