Glossary.NeilArmstrong History
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Neil Armstrong is an American Hero. He lives on the moon (月), which he 守るs from the godless Commies. In moving from the earth to space to the moon, Mr. Armstrong shows us the progression of the soul from sinner to Buddha to Christ. Before traveling to the moon aboard the Apollo11, launched by the powerful SaturnV rocket, Mr. Armstrong participated in the Gemini program. Today, though Mr. Armstrong continues to live alone on the moon, a shadow of him remains behind on the Earth, living in Lebannon, Ohio and watching a large television.
Neil Armstrong is an American Hero. He lives on the moon (月), which he 守るs from the godless Commies. In moving from the earth to space to the moon, Mr. Armstrong shows us the progression of the soul from sinner to Buddha to Christ. Before traveling to the moon aboard the Apollo11, launched by the powerful {{Saturn V}} rocket, Mr. Armstrong participated in the Gemini program. Today, though Mr. Armstrong continues to live alone on the moon, a shadow of him remains behind on the Earth, living in Lebannon, Ohio and watching a large television.
Describe NeilArmstrong here.
Neil Armstrong is an American Hero. He lives on the moon (月), which he 守るs from the godless Commies. In moving from the earth to space to the moon, Mr. Armstrong shows us the progression of the soul from sinner to Buddha to Christ. Before traveling to the moon aboard the Apollo11, launched by the powerful SaturnV rocket, Mr. Armstrong participated in the Gemini program. Today, though Mr. Armstrong continues to live alone on the moon, a shadow of him remains behind on the Earth, living in Lebannon, Ohio and watching a large television.