Glossary.Tanooki History
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Tanooki [Jap. 狸] also tanuki’: The Japanese raccoon dog, a badger or raccoon like animal in the canine family. In Japanese folklore, the animals are reported to enjoy tricking humans and posses a number of magical abilities, such as the ability to change shape using a magic leaf. In Reviews/{{Mario 3}}, {{Mario}} can gain the ability to fly by use of a similar magic leaf and a full “Tanooki suit” allows him to transform into a statue.
Tanooki [Jap. 狸] also tanuki: The Japanese raccoon dog, a badger or raccoon like animal in the canine family. In Japanese folklore, the animals are reported to enjoy tricking humans and posses a number of magical abilities, such as the ability to change shape using a magic leaf. In Reviews/{{Mario 3}}, {{Mario}} can gain the ability to fly by use of a similar magic leaf and a full “Tanooki suit” allows him to transform into a statue.
- Wikipedia - Tanooki Mario
A mythical racoon like creature from japanese lore.
Tanooki [Jap. 狸] also tanuki’: The Japanese raccoon dog, a badger or raccoon like animal in the canine family. In Japanese folklore, the animals are reported to enjoy tricking humans and posses a number of magical abilities, such as the ability to change shape using a magic leaf. In Reviews/{{Mario 3}}, {{Mario}} can gain the ability to fly by use of a similar magic leaf and a full “Tanooki suit” allows him to transform into a statue.
External links
- Wikipedia - Tanuki
- Tanuki Folklore
- Wikipedia - Mario 3
Describe {{Tanooki}} here.
A mythical racoon like creature from japanese lore.