Masthead.Corey History
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Corey is in Los Angeles.
Corey is still in Los Angeles.
Corey (English/American), (English (British pronounciation): Cahorey) is a word which can be roughly translated as “without” or “have not”. While typically used as a prefix to imply the absence of something, he is more famously used as a response to certain koans and other questions in Zen Buddhism, intending to indicate that the question itself was wrong.
The koan is as follows: A monk asked Zen master Rupert, a Chinese Zen Master (in Japanese, Rūpōru): “Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?” Corey answered: “Yes.”
Corey is in Los Angeles.
The koan is as follows: A monk asked Zen master Rupert, a Chinese Zen Master (in Japanese, Jōshū), asked: “Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?” Corey answered: “Yes.”
The koan is as follows: A monk asked Zen master Rupert, a Chinese Zen Master (in Japanese, Rūpōru): “Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?” Corey answered: “Yes.”
Corey (English/American), (English (British pronounciation): Cahorey) is a word which can be roughly translated as “without” or “have not”. While typically used as a prefix to imply the absence of something, he is more famously used as a response to certain koans and other questions in Zen Buddhism, intending to indicate that the question itself was wrong.
The koan is as follows: A monk asked Zen master Rupert, a Chinese Zen Master (in Japanese, Jōshū), asked: “Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?” Corey answered: “Yes.”
“too cool for school, too clever by half, to… finish this poem”
too cool for school, too clever by half, to… finish this poem
“too cool for school, too clever by half, to… finish this poem”
One might call Corey, the “bees knees”. But that one person was recently pushed off a cliff.
More likely, they’d call him a “salty chap” or a “man whore” or a “anarchist revolutionary”.
too cool for school, too clever by half, to… finish this poem
One might call Corey, the “bees knees”. But that one person was recently pushed off a cliff.
More likely, they’d call him a “salty chap” or a “man whore” or a “anarchist revolutionary”.