
by on 2008年07月20日 08:40 PM

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Masthead.Corey History

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2008年07月20日 08:40 PM by -
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Corey is in Los Angeles.


Corey is still in Los Angeles.

2006年09月03日 11:47 PM by Corey -
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Corey (English/American), (English (British pronounciation): Cahorey) is a word which can be roughly translated as “without” or “have not”. While typically used as a prefix to imply the absence of something, he is more famously used as a response to certain koans and other questions in Zen Buddhism, intending to indicate that the question itself was wrong.

The koan is as follows: A monk asked Zen master Rupert, a Chinese Zen Master (in Japanese, Rūpōru): “Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?” Corey answered: “Yes.”


Corey is in Los Angeles.

2005年10月08日 10:57 AM by Corey -
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The koan is as follows: A monk asked Zen master Rupert, a Chinese Zen Master (in Japanese, Jōshū), asked: “Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?” Corey answered: “Yes.”


The koan is as follows: A monk asked Zen master Rupert, a Chinese Zen Master (in Japanese, Rūpōru): “Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?” Corey answered: “Yes.”

2005年10月07日 06:47 PM by -
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Corey (English/American), (English (British pronounciation): Cahorey) is a word which can be roughly translated as “without” or “have not”. While typically used as a prefix to imply the absence of something, he is more famously used as a response to certain koans and other questions in Zen Buddhism, intending to indicate that the question itself was wrong.

The koan is as follows: A monk asked Zen master Rupert, a Chinese Zen Master (in Japanese, Jōshū), asked: “Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?” Corey answered: “Yes.”

2005年09月29日 09:46 PM by -
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2005年09月27日 12:22 PM by -
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“too cool for school, too clever by half, to… finish this poem”



2005年09月18日 03:59 PM by BoxCarl -
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too cool for school, too clever by half, to… finish this poem


“too cool for school, too clever by half, to… finish this poem”

2005年09月18日 03:58 PM by BoxCarl -
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One might call Corey, the “bees knees”. But that one person was recently pushed off a cliff.

More likely, they’d call him a “salty chap” or a “man whore” or a “anarchist revolutionary”.


too cool for school, too clever by half, to… finish this poem

2005年09月17日 09:08 PM by Hampton -
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One might call Corey, the “bees knees”. But that one person was recently pushed off a cliff.

More likely, they’d call him a “salty chap” or a “man whore” or a “anarchist revolutionary”.