by BoxCarl on 2005年08月09日 05:18 AM

@ Home / MonoKotoKoitsu / ENTRY8 (edit, history)

MonoKotoKoitsu.ENTRY8 History

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2005年08月09日 05:18 AM by BoxCarl -
Changed line 2 from:

Today’s homework is, I want you all to write a poem with a stranger <s>and lose</s>.


Today’s homework is, I want you all to write a poem with a stranger and lose.

2004年04月25日 11:27 PM by BoxCarl -
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Describe ENTRY8 here.


2004–03–01 02:43:00; Shukdai yo

Today’s homework is, I want you all to http://deadhobosociety.com/wiki/index.php/Words/LinkedVerse?action=edit write a poem with a stranger <s>and lose</s>.