
by BoxCarl on 2008年03月09日 09:41 AM

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Quotes.Videogames History

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2005年04月30日 09:34 AM by BoxCarl -
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Describe {{Videogames}} here.


Crazy Hand [12/01]
“Where the Master Hand loves to create, its alter ego is impulsive and destructive, consumed with that hollow feeling which comes from destroying one’s own creations. The Crazy Hand appears when a player clears obstacles quickly and the Master Hand’s power is low. You have only one chance to defeat the Crazy Hand.”

Rumors are spreading which
suggest the moon is falling, but
you can breathe easier as long as
I am in town.

Tonight, I shall cut the moon into
pieces! If one does not have such
skill, he cannot teach the way of
the sword to others.

If you wish to be as powerful as I
am, then I shall teach you until