Kanji Sono Mama review
by earthbound kid on 2006年04月13日 02:18 PM
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Well, for your viewing pleasure, I’ve made a video review of Nintendo’s latest attempt to crack into the non-gamer market place — 漢字そのまま Kanji Sono Mama. Kanji Sono Mama is a dictionary application for the Nintendo DS, their dual screen, touch input portal gaming system. Like its predecessor dictionary, Rakubiki, it features Japanese to English and English to Japanese dictionaries with handwriting recognition for English letters and basic Japanese phonetic characters. This time around Nintendo has added an input feature that lets you actually look up Chinese-style characters as well by writing them directly onto the screen (hence the name kanji sono mama, meaning “Chinese characters as just they are”) and has added a voice output system to let Japanese students of English learn how to pronounce words with tricky spellings. We’ve put the “game” through its paces. Does it have what it takes to challenge the lucrative electronic dictionary market in Japan? Find out right here in our video review.
(★★ out of ★★)