Hollerbacks Archive

by BoxCarl on 2008年03月10日 02:50 AM

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Shoutouts.HollerbacksArchive History

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2008年03月10日 02:50 AM by BoxCarl -
Added lines 1-297:

IP address: IP address: IP address: IP address: IP address: IP address: IP address: IP address: IP address: IP address:

(:Message1:) 2006年10月24日 03:19 AM (:Message2:) ssflanders IP address: (:Message3:) Not so much the old — just dorky.

Commenting on On having grown older but not being old quite yet.


(:Message1:) 2006年10月15日 08:25 PM (:Message2:) erin IP address: (:Message3:) Carl, I have never known you to take others’ inconvenience or frustration into account whilst in the midst of developing some new plan or lifestyle change. Is it a sign of old age and practicality seeping in, or conformity? I hope that easy, breezy lifestyle you’ve got down there on the islands will not turn you to the dark side.

Commenting on On having grown older but not being old quite yet.


(:Message1:) 2006年10月14日 01:01 PM (:Message2:) Hampton IP address: (:Message3:)

  • Canada* has dollar coins! Rock that one, bitch!

And, of course you wouldn’t give all of it in $1 coins… you could buy a $5.96 burger with a paper 5, and a one dollar coin. Its perfect!

As to asking where that coin goes in the register… in with the quarters! Simple!

The only way to enact change is through grassroots means. That, or a law.

Commenting on On having grown older but not being old quite yet.


(:Message1:) 2006年10月02日 12:15 PM (:Message2:) everett IP address: (:Message3:) Don’t know which one of you is the govie. Whoever you are, head on over to www.goviecipher.com. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2006年09月29日 01:08 PM (:Message2:) shigeharu IP address: (:Message3:) Just this week I used US$40 to buy US$8 worth of stamps at a vending machine. I too thought of incorporating dollar coins into my monetary transaction interactions, but I’m working from a retail standpoint. Because I sell things from the trunk of my car, and because it is unsafe to show how much loose cash I have, I devised a bill arrangement system not unlike a blind man’s wallet. Dollar coins, US$5s crumpled in a ball, US$10s folded vertically, and US$20s folded horizontally. I just reach into my cash box and pull the money without looking.

Except for the stamp-buying, I just made all that up. I think I’m going to start it, now that I’ve written it out loud and it sounds pretty good.

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY28


IP address: IP address: IP address: IP address:

(:Message1:) 2006年09月05日 07:18 AM (:Message2:) Lame Review IP address: (:Message3:) Really lame. How does it do for people learning Japanese?

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY20


IP address: IP address: IP address:

(:Message1:) 2006年08月23日 10:11 PM (:Message2:) the existential Calvinist IP address: (:Message3:) Do I gotta draw a diagram? God loved the world more than Himself, loving the world that much is a sin, the wages of sin is death, therefore God/Christ had to die. Explained. God is dead, and He had it comin’. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2006年08月23日 08:01 AM (:Message2:) Um IP address: (:Message3:) Explained?

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY24


(:Message1:) 2006年07月16日 04:44 PM (:Message2:) Name IP address: (:Message3:) I thought this was supposed to be a video review. It would have been nice to actually show some of the features.

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY20


(:Message1:) 2006年06月25日 02:01 PM (:Message2:) Linds IP address: (:Message3:) I am really enjoying it Hampy… but why does it suddenly stop?

The descriptions of the landscape are intriguing, you should get into that even more, maybe use it as an analogy to his own life. I don’t think I can recall reading anything about Florida, you could so have a niche here.

Commenting on Stories.Rocketman


(:Message1:) 2006年05月08日 03:08 PM (:Message2:) Namedarrion (:Message3:) i like the way you explanied your paragrapg. do not mind my spelling i am a bad speller.

                     thank you foe all of the information

Commenting on Essays.ESSAY3


(:Message1:) 2006年05月05日 08:45 AM (:Message2:) nick (:Message3:) Interesting, I came to same conclusion about understanding other people, but I was thinking of sutiation when 2 people of the same language speak and one dont understand another because maybe he’s reffering to some ideas which doesn’t exists one’s world, or maybe one just can’t grasp the concepts which been told to him. Actually possibilities for errors and misunderstanding are endless, especially when now western world is inventing their NewSpeak (like in Orwell’s 1984), like they not firing people theese days but just ‘rearranging workforce for efficiency’ or something like that. Lotsa examples of that in press-releases of game companies and US leaders speeches. Thanks.

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY21


(:Message1:) 2006年04月13日 09:20 AM (:Message2:) Mary (:Message3:) ….. —I…. …hm..

Commenting on Essays.ESSAY6


(:Message1:) 2006年03月19日 08:39 AM (:Message2:) Coray (:Message3:) So, are you James Joyce now?

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY19


(:Message1:) 2006年03月11日 05:27 PM (:Message2:) Karen (:Message3:) I love summer it is great and I think it is a time to go to the beach and it is a time to enjoy.

Commenting on Essays.ESSAY3


(:Message1:) 2006年03月09日 08:54 PM (:Message2:) Vinnk (:Message3:) That is totally sweet. i have often thought of correcting various companies English, but I assumed I would be ignored. Very cool.

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY17


(:Message1:) 2006年03月09日 08:32 PM (:Message2:) Woohoo! (:Message3:) Aren’t you special!

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY17


(:Message1:) 2006年02月15日 08:21 PM (:Message2:) Name (:Message3:) Suh-weet.

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY17


(:Message1:) 2006年02月14日 09:41 AM (:Message2:) John Pading (:Message3:) I caught another error on their page:

Nowhere does it say “John Pading’s getting hella DS Lites for $free.99!

I’d email ‘em, but my Japanese-talk is shot to shit.

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY17


(:Message1:) 2006年02月14日 05:01 AM (:Message2:) Moe (:Message3:) That’s effing awesome.

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY17


(:Message1:) 2006年02月08日 11:50 AM (:Message2:) CW (:Message3:) How did you hide this website so well?

Commenting on Essays.ESSAY2


2006年10月02日 03:57 AM by BoxCarl - who's running this thing, me or you?
2006年10月02日 03:56 AM by earthbound kid -
Added lines 1-725:

(:Message1:) 2005年10月30日 08:52 AM (:Message2:) Hampton (:Message3:) I like this bit about the going into flowers, but I think the buddhists are getting to you, because that sounds just like Eckhart Tolle.

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY12


(:Message1:) 2005年10月14日 08:49 PM (:Message2:) Hampton (:Message3:) What IS up with those foam dispenser things? Like, one moment they didn’t exist, then one moment they did.

Of course, maybe it has more to do with my moving countries.

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY7


(:Message1:) 2005年09月26日 11:21 AM (:Message2:) recursive aware (:Message3:) when you realize you’ve just read your first aware list for the last time

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY7


(:Message1:) 2005年09月17日 05:09 PM (:Message2:) Hampton (:Message3:) OMFingG!

Your name is like the name of that like, ya know, like, totally, like, totally, like, totally the guy from like, totally, grand theft auto 3! OMFingG!

Commenting on HelloWorldProject.ENTRY5


(:Message1:) 2005年09月13日 07:21 AM (:Message2:) Mary (:Message3:) carl….? It’s the B. I’m in Seoul, and I thought it was time to call out to you. carl…..? (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年07月30日 10:03 PM (:Message2:) No God here (:Message3:) There is no god. There is no point. Your life is your life and you don’t need someone telling you how to live. Free yourself from the shackles of belief. You can make your life whatever you want to. Purpose is what you make of it. How shocking is that you yourself have to make your life have meaning instead of relying on others to tell you how to live. That’s alot of responsibility. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年07月24日 01:43 PM (:Message2:) Selrach (:Message3:) Gosh, those were a lot of words. Not sure what you concluded for yourself though. I think the idea of Attachment is universal, regardless of what religion we practice. Learning your attachments is the key. I have learned we are in no position to judge others and that the time we spend in trying to do this is time we could use on ourselves. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年07月18日 02:32 PM (:Message2:) Omen (:Message3:) God is made by human to control human.

Gott wurde von Menschen erfunden um Menschen zu kontrollieren.

Gott ist doof.

Commenting on Essays.GodSucks (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年07月18日 02:11 PM (:Message2:) Methus (:Message3:) i agree with you. i’m buddhist myself, but buddhism is more of a way of living life. christianity believes that our lives should be ruled by a supreme ruler, God. and we have to feel guilty about everything we do and worrying about if its a “sin” or not. the bible calls it ‘praying’, but i call it useless begging. it makes no difference if u pray or not that something good may or may not happen. well, i am very intriguied by your article and hope you edit and revise more points on why God Sucks.

Commenting on Essays.GodSucks (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年07月14日 02:21 AM (:Message2:) EVIL CHICK!!!! (:Message3:) Hell yeah god does sux a big fat hairy cock and so does the bible and everyone that wrote it i think the bible is shit how do the people that wrote it are so sure all that shit happend what did “god” tell them to write that it is all bullshit and god can kiss my ass for all that I care!!!!! (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年07月07日 04:58 AM (:Message2:) the Existential Calvinist (:Message3:) Neal:

“why [doesn’t] he have the courage in us, and Himself, to show Himself”

The gist of the New Testament is that God did have the guts to show Himself to us, and moreover He did it by putting Himself on an even playing field, as a man. Naturally, we killed Him as soon as it became clear who He was. If you think about it, this is not surprising. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年07月07日 04:19 AM (:Message2:) Neal (:Message3:) Wow you made some great points. And I agree with you one hundred percent. If He is so great, why doens’t he have the courage in us, and Himself to show Himself. I have come to believe that there IS a God, but I believe that His story has no connection to the Bible and we are infinitely unaware of his presence.

Commenting on Essays.GodSucks (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年07月03日 07:23 PM (:Message2:) Name (:Message3:) you kick ass… hi5 for you my friend… there’s not a piece of it that i do not agree with…

BTW, I ain’t gay, but i have my own sitty things going on. And I feel the same way about this God

Commenting on Essays.GodSucks (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年06月28日 11:46 PM (:Message2:) Makitaro (:Message3:) Because his goal was for Men to live as Men (or Super-Men, at least) and not as weaklings in thrall to theories. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年06月28日 11:44 PM (:Message2:) perry (:Message3:) Why was Nietzsche called the anti-philosopher

Commenting on Stories.MoonSoon (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年06月28日 01:17 PM (:Message2:)

(:Message3:) i support u 100 percent

Commenting on Essays.GodSucks (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年06月27日 10:26 PM (:Message2:) Voices from the past (:Message3:) Hi carl. Long time no talk. That’s all.

~A guy named Lewis (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年06月24日 04:05 PM (:Message2:) Name (:Message3:) God Sucks.

Commenting on Essays.GodSucks (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年06月15日 05:19 PM (:Message2:) Hampton (:Message3:) I may be gay… but at least I’m not…. umm…. hmmm… lets see…. at least I’m not… A PRODUCT OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM!

….in south carolina….

BOO YA! (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年06月15日 04:55 PM (:Message2:) Carl (:Message3:) The only -off you could beat me in is a suck-off… and that’s because YOU’RE GAY!!!!1!

OOOO0O0OH! burn. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年06月15日 04:45 PM (:Message2:) Hampton (:Message3:) Wow carl…. seems people like my essays…. huh? Yeah! You hurd me, foo’!


Eat that shit!

My writing would beat your writing in a dance off (or write-off) any day! Yeah! That’s a challenge. Foo’!

-hampton “media darling” and “ass kicker” catlin. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年06月13日 11:31 PM (:Message2:) Yvette (:Message3:) Amen…

Commenting on Essays.GodSucks (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年05月29日 06:00 PM (:Message2:) Emily (:Message3:) Hey Don’t feel bad cause you’re gay, if you do feel bad… gay ppl rock!!!!!!!!! Anyway, you’re right God sucks big butt.

Commenting on Essays.GodSucks (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年05月24日 04:40 PM (:Message2:) Hampton (:Message3:) Excellent meditation on trends in society, but I think that one big part is missed. Which is in the influence pushed on us by media (not just news, but movies, books, everything). This applies over-all, but especially in our view of relationships.

I tend to think that our current western version of marriage comes not from sex-as-pleasure, but as a media icon. As an answer to your problems. Romanticism is big (as in romantic love) and it sells. You wonder why a girlfriend gets upset when you don’t say “I love you” back? Its out of social training. How does that social training take place? Romantic movies. They are everywhere. And every movie ends with them “happily ever after”. There is the solid assumption that everything goes right. And if there is a movie about it going wrong, its because it “failed”. (Eternal Sunshine, notwithstanding) But we get these great ideas about love and relationships from images. No one believes in love because of their parents. I’m certainly not saying that long term healthy relationships are a complete myth. But we have invented the myth of them being utopian.

In Victorian times, it was believed that love was a painful affliction best to be avoided. Its only recently that we have every media source saying “Romantic love is the answer”.

Even the gay community thinks so. The right wing would like to say that it is destroying the idea of love and family. And in some ways, it is. But in a positive way, IMHO. But what’s interesting is how many gay men are looking for a fairy tale ending. They may not buy into sexual-oppression and conventional family structures, BUT they do buy into the “love is all” bit.

Here’s the truth though. Almost no one finds *true* love as represented in movies. Love should be about finding someone to be a life long friend. Not your hero.

People get married then they are supprised when they often don’t like the person they are with. That surprise (RE: dissapointment) turns into further dislike. Jealousy becomes an asset. When you look at it from a scientific perspective, we have put pair bonding to the highest degrees. Highest degrees of perfect social interaction. We are sooooo highly socialized on these points, that I believe its ruining our pair bonding. Be with someone because you generally get along and because you enjoy copulating. That’s it! That’s all you’ll ever get out of romantic relationships in the long run. Its friendship and copulation. Not the answer to our lives. Or some big jealous social mess.

That is what “traditional” marriage is. A big social mess. The problems were there since we created the marriage myth. Around the 60s in reaction to the sexual revolution. We began to visualize the “good ole’ days” when every couple on the street was madly in love and had happy healthy children. That has never, ever ever been the case.

I’m stopping ranting in mid rant.

Can we do a podcast on this? Our podcasts together got really high ratings.

Oh yeah, blogs are cool. Self publication!

Commenting on InsularEmpire.ENTRY38 (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年05月17日 02:39 PM (:Message2:) Leyla (:Message3:) This is a peace of crap

Commenting on Essays.ESSAY5 (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2005年05月05日 12:04 PM (:Message2:) BILLY VALENTINE (:Message3:) god’s not real <3

Commenting on Essays.GodSucks (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004年10月18日 09:11 AM (:Message2:) Hampton (:Message3:) What do you think of this?

Also, would you consider going to a WikiMedia?

I just think that with a little work and simplification, that it could perhaps be a more versitile long-term platform, that is if you are in the mind to turn this site into more than its current state.

OH! Well, regardless of that… how would you think of catagorizing the stuff on the front Words page? Instead of just InProgress and Done… there is like Fiction, Opinion, Philosophy (can be multi-catagory!). Would that be useful in your opinion.

OH! And I think you should add the tagline: “Offices in Japan and New York City!

Commenting on Shoutouts.Callouts (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004年10月15日 03:24 PM (:Message2:) Erin (:Message3:) I am so glad to hear that the proper usage of “y’all” is spreading throughout the Eastern regions, because it is in serious danger of dying out here. Why, even my aunt in Texas misspells it “ya’ll.” But I guess Texas isn’t really the South, so it’s okay. It could be some spanish cognate there.

Commenting on InsularEmpire.ENTRY21 (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004年10月13日 05:09 PM (:Message2:) Name (:Message3:) Carl, can you help me format this?


Commenting on Essays.NewNewYorker (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004年10月11日 07:32 PM (:Message2:) Query (:Message3:) All I can say is <i>Descartes</i>.

You make balanced arguments in each subsection. They are even logical. Perhaps it would be better to say natural. Even more, it would perhaps be better to say that the statements are set evenly with presupposed notions. Hmm, and perhaps that doesn’t make sense.

To explain: The problem with your arguement is that its framework is theology and is therefore self defining. You define God as a single being. Why? And worst you describe God as “Love”. Isn’t it obvious, upon inspection, that love is completely and utterly meaningless in itself. Is it attachment? Is God “Attachment”. Why would he be? That’s not logical. Its easy for us to say the word “Love” and mean goodness, then throw in what we were told about how to Love.

I assume you know that this whole thing is philosophical and theological masturbation.

Remember how we made fun of Descartes for having said that we exist, then very quickly proving that God exists, etc. Well, bless his heart… but what a stretch!

Ok, I’m going to go write my own entry now.


Commenting on Essays.TheodicySkeleton (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004年10月11日 07:23 PM (:Message2:) Hampton (:Message3:) カルウ-

The waffles await your triumphant return home hashbrowns simmering

i finally stopped in to see what was up on your website… its now truly official--- your webdomain is far superior to my lame collection.

i’m totally subscribed to your RSS feed now.

also, as a long time reader of your material. i am very happy to see that your style has matured greatly. keep up the practice.

meanwhile… reading my journal and my responses…. my online writing has turned into that of a cussing 5 year old.

HOWEVER, you need to check out some of my scripts. they are very cool.

on another note… in my horrible pointlessly meandering style. i’ve been watching a shit load of korean and japanese movies. we have to discuss.

is there any decently cheap way to call you?

ーハンプトン (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004年09月27日 01:54 PM (:Message2:) Sarah (:Message3:) Bless you, Ka-ru, for your entries. They keep the laughter in some of the more frustrating aspects of life in Japan and emphasize the fun aspects. I laugh out loud every time I read your entries.

Commenting on InsularEmpire.ENTRY17 (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004年09月26日 02:54 AM (:Message2:) Curl (:Message3:) You mean deru kugi wa utareru? Yeah, that’s Japan. The nail that sticks out is gonna get smacked. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004年09月25日 06:12 PM (:Message2:) mary (:Message3:) aaaaah. is it true in Japan that if you’re a nail that sticks too far out, you’ll get pounded down? or did the person who told that to me get Japan confused with communist China, which is my opinion?

Commenting on InsularEmpire.ENTRY17 (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004年09月10日 04:14 AM (:Message2:) mary (:Message3:) I got so sad and nostalgic for my high school friends that I started a livejournal so I could keep up with the crazy cats that post their bad poetry and dumb lists. sigh. where will it end?? I named myself threeswimming. Anyway, I’m pro-Japanese-homoerotic-thrills. It’ll put hair on your chest, or something. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004年09月08日 02:52 PM (:Message2:) Zoom (:Message3:) Your description of the seemingly inappropriate singing in the TV show reminds me of a great French movie called “8 Women.” (Huit Femmes - for you purists.) Aging Catherine Deneuve is in it, and she’s still striking and stunning. It’s a sort of murder mystery / Clue kind of story. And once in a while, the women burst into song. Usually the focus is on one of the characters, but usually they all sing back-up. None of the characters act like it’s strange, but still I didn’t get the feeling that it was entirely normal - as if it were a musical, let’s say.

Now, French movies are strange. In general. And you take it for granted - at least I do - that they seem relatively normal to French people. But I had to wonder if even French people saw this movie and thought “Wha…what the hell?!” I’ve asked several pseudo-experts of French culture about this issue, and they all just shrug their shoulders in perplexity.

I encourage all of you reading this to go out and rent the movie right now.

Good to know you’re getting along well, Carl. And kudos for not starting any actual fires yet. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004年08月08日 09:21 PM (:Message2:) hiromiterawaki@daniel.binuya (:Message3:) Coworker’s prdecessors are silly. Who ever heard of a cicada on a moth, screaming?

Also, got your pmail. Tokyo looks just as how I remember it.

How difficult would it be to send me canned beverages, or just cans, or cut cans? I tried going to the asian food markets, but they took all the Calpis away and replaced it with lame Calpico. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004年07月29日 07:34 AM (:Message2:) Name (:Message3:) Ok… so i wasn’t in on this email…. biotch!

have fun in japan! (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004年06月17日 04:31 PM (:Message2:) Corey (:Message3:) Cola residents: anyone need a roommate starting August 19? (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004.04.02 16:25 (:Message2:) tashi wangtsom (:Message3:) Boots in Tibet are made from wool, and they are multicolored. I don’t believe they would make tasty soup. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004.03.09 16:35 (:Message2:) shoot_your_cuffs (:Message3:) you know, you should really consider getting Dressy Bessy’s California E.P.

it’s very good.

and i think i’m ready to give your hat back now. it’s seen it’s share of naked ladies. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004.02.04 23:21 (:Message2:) corey (:Message3:) heterogeneous french buildings line the dijon boulevards as if someone planted them and forgot to space them out. the result is, if you were smart (and could jump like a chimney sweep with mario powers) you could walk across the whole city on the pastel rooftops.

little businesses, from banks to bike shops, occupy the first floors. people live above them. because everything is so densely packed, public transportation works efficiently and you can walk to work in the morning and the bar at night. they also have absinthe here. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2004.01.31 10:18 (:Message2:) tripp (:Message3:) Maybe you can arrive at God by looking at the universed others an and working backwards. Of course, you lose a lot of respect for God that way. I think you end up a lot happier if you just think of him as a kid on a couch doing his best to get you through the level alive and well before mom calls for dinner. When it doesn’t matter if you’re wrong or right, believe in what works best. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.12.22 16:21 (:Message2:) hampton2600 (:Message3:) woowhooo!

i passed japanese 11!


ps: i hope that isn’t copyrighted. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.12.10 03:40 (:Message2:) Kao (:Message3:) Yes, and the days of Samurai as well. “they are all Perfect…” Wait a minute. Thats a Haiku!! Well, in english anyways. I HAVE A NEW HOME PAGE! GUESS WHICH ONE!

I got an email-
My girlfriend deleted it-
I never saw it. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.12.01 16:52 (:Message2:) pandhandle

______ (:Message3:) Am I still a vegetarian if I use my leather boots to make soup? (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.11.08 08:11 (:Message2:) tripp (:Message3:) I don’t see why people think they have to do something productive when they grow up in order to feel useful or meaningful or whatever. Eveyone knows working for the ohsoverydamnable Man isn’t the way to go if you want to be happy. Yea, it’s bad that the days of vikings are gone. The world really is too feminized. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.11.01 16:10 (:Message2:) tripp (:Message3:) I think trees grow leaves on their roots in winter, just so’s they can do year-round cartwheels without us noticing. Also, it seems marginally comforting that there is at least some illusion of continuity of you as you float through time. As a result, i feel free to refer to meself as d(me)/dt. What you are then is not what you are that second, but the sum of all seconds. Also, i had wondered since g-school how you came to the conclusion love and hate aren’t opposites. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.10.28 16:24 (:Message2:) 2600 to the yo. (:Message3:) Hey, the site looks pretty good in lynx. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.10.26 03:28 (:Message2:) shigeharu (:Message3:) The midwest leaves are looking really good right now. The ginko went from green to gold in a day. It made me wish I just stood there the whole time. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.10.14 21:08 (:Message2:) はんぽたん (:Message3:) ok, so i continued to look around on your site… then i saw “shoutouts”. I thought, boy I am sure that I must have a shoutout in there to me. Also, there are probably a bunch of shoutouts to the rockhill-gang and the columbia-mafia.

What…? What is this?

Shoutouts to… to… THINGS?


I hope you feel proud かる. Now, every one of your friends that comes to your website will cry a small tear when they realize that their friend is defined by his labels and artists, etc rather than his relationships with them.

ーはんぽたん (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.10.14 20:58 (:Message2:) はんぽとん (hampton) (:Message3:) いええええええ!!!

sorry about that.

look at me… i am communicating. gosh. that sure is amazing.

i really don’t know any of you who post on here. but i am carls ex-roommate and current “best he can do at furman” friend.

i enjoy apples (both fruit and silicon), japanese (a new obsession, no thanks to かる), bad reality television, programming like a mother ふか, and hanging around with my special someone.

i guess as my addition to this page i would like to say.

え あむ ばだ あた にほんぎん

sweet, eh?

-hampton aka “shoeless joe jacksonville” aka “hampton2600″ aka “hampton2600.com” aka “carls furman friend” aka “fish きら”

ps: i appologize for the hirigana-ized engrish. its too much fun though. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.10.12 18:37 (:Message2:) Kobayashi aka Garter Snake (:Message3:) Looks good - way to combine frontpage with no-frontpage. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.09.22 18:21 (:Message2:) p (:Message3:) heart sinks full of holes
ningen hitori
who could raise me up?
“lamana sabakhtani?”
kamisama hitori (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.09.21 21:41 (:Message2:) shigeharu sp (:Message3:) Fame-for-a-reason is such an outdated concept. I was talking about time machines, and turned a mean phrase: “We could go in my time machine, but I think I left it in the past.” (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.09.21 20:52 (:Message2:) tripp (:Message3:) While driving through Cleve towards Chicago this summer to do a moving job i saw where 77 died or was born. Because it’s in Ohio i’ll assume it’s dying. It was weird to see a path that went strait to home-esque when i was so far away. saw Walden one night too. It’s strange in that it’s famous because some guy went there to get away, and now there’s a marked off beach and everything. The clemson WaHo still sucks. Luckily, although Seneca’s is certainly out of unicycling distance, the car handles it well. (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.07.25 21:57 (:Message2:) shigeharu sp (:Message3:) Jeff and John and I have beat Four Swords several times now. Get to ColaTown and help us earn platinum keys. I will cooperate with and compete against you for the medal! (:Message4:)

(:Message1:) 2003.07.23 19:26 (:Message2:) boxCarl (:Message3:)

 Feel free to use this at saying whatcha feel.
 [ 書いてどうぞ。]
