The Oxford English Dictionary Defines Japan as “The Insular Empire so-called, on the East of Asia”
Diary of a JET
Curl (カール) is a professional educator (GTO) and raconteur living in Takaoka (高岡), Toyama Prefecture (富山県), Japan (日本). All of his tales have been exaggerated for literary effect unless otherwise noted. His interests include Japanese home electronics and avoiding succumbing to culture shock and loneliness.
Season: Spring
- Opting out
March 16 - 21
- Loneliness and identity
March 8 - 11
- Improvise title here
February 23
- Say no to this society
Febuary 7 - 17
- My Friend Frankenstein
January 25 - 30
- Pikmin 2 is obscene
January 23
- Love-like
January 20
- Honesty in Evaluation
January 18 - 19
- Child of the Ice
January 12 - 13
- Icebergs and Infinity
January 10
- Diary, Year End
Selling the Earth for the Moon
- Diary, November 15
Diaries are the language of loss
- Diary, November 4 - 8
Socializing in Any Language
- Diary, October 23 - 26
On the Loss of Hearing and Other Senses
- Diary, October 14 - 21
The Mystery of the Vanishing Saturday
- Diary, October 12 - 13
Alone in Kyôto
- Diary, October 6 - 8
The Mysteries of Weather, Romance, and English Language Instruction
- Diary, October 1 - 5
The OC gets even hotter!
- Diary, September 27 - 29
Autumn arrives
- Diary, September 21 - 23
The last days of summer
- Diary, September 13 - 17
The death of the author, photographer, hearing, white men, etc.
- An Online Quiz
15 steps to see if you may be in Japan
- Diary, September 12
Of terror, guilt, consumer electronics, etc.
- Diary, September 7 - 10
Of internet addiction and the passage of time
- Diary, September 1 - 6
Of TV, internet, and other amusements
- Diary, August 25 - 31
Transition to teaching
- Diary, August 16 - 23
Of Orientation and Mon Frere
- Diary, August 11 - 16
Journey to Shikoku
- Diary, August 7 - 11
Working hard or hardly working?
- Diary, August 4 & 6
Of drinking and sofas
- Email, August 1
The Takaoka Press Release
- Diary, July 31 & August 2
Weekend with the Host Family
- Diary, July 29 & 30
Starting work
- Diary, July 27 & 28
Finishing the Tokyo conference
- Email, July 25
First email sent out after arrival
- Diary, July 25
Diary entries written entering Japan